Home Revolution Fullwidth Forums Plugin Development What Features Are You Missing?

  • This topic has 24 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Rushd Bitar.
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    • #4414

      What functionality did you need and did not find within the Digitalsignagepress?
      We have already received the following suggestions from Digitalsignagepress users:

      • conditional slides based on location
      • undo button
      • could crop pictures in the design mode
      • trash/restore options for playlists
      • Century Gothic and Arial Narrow font
      • Twitter, Facebook, RSS, Weather & Clock Widgets
      • Playlist in Playlist function
      • millisecond settings for slides
      • automatic full-screen support for android devices
      • live stream support (m3u, m3u8, rtsp, mms)
      • import/export function for playlists
      • android app (fullscreen, auto-start, url settings field)
      • transistion effects
      • custom loyout settings (logo upload, colors, etc.)
      • widgets for Loan calculator, Exchange rates and Currency Converter
      • update intervals for slides (1 hour, 2 hours)
      • assign specific templates to customers
      • notification popups
      • scrolling effects implementation
      • woocommerce und events manager shortcodes support

      What are you still missing?

    • #4851
      Patrick Paquet

      I find that the scheduler lacks in functionalities. Here’s what would be quite useful :

      – Being able to schedule a slide at specific hours with a recurrence option. Exemple. I would love to be able to schedule specific slides only between noon and 1pm with a daily recurrence for two weeks.
      – Also when scheduling, I dont like the fact that if I schedule a slide at a specific hour, that it slides in with the others. I would love to be able to disable the other slides on demand.

    • #4852

      Ok, noted

      • #10487
        term paper services

        I would like to get more information in the future. It would be truly terrific if you’ll make some special overviews in this relation.

    • #4864
      Patrick Paquet

      Would be useful to be able to preview a single slide instead of the whole playlist.

    • #4979

      – Being able to schedule a slide at specific hours with a recurrence option. Exemple. I would love to be able to schedule specific slides only between noon and 1pm with a daily recurrence for two weeks.
      – Also when scheduling, I dont like the fact Online assignment help that if I schedule a slide at a specific hour, that it slides in with the others. I would love to be able to disable the other slides on demand.
      Best regards

    • #5772

      Where would i be able to get a glimmering, computerized , sign for the outside of my office of write my assignment ? It must be a lite up sign, utilized daytime or nite, must blaze the words I need to put out there, and it should likewise be brilliant.

    • #6273
      Angela Wascher

      What I could use, that hasn’t already been mentioned:

      More font styles or the ability to import fonts. Branding is detailed – my brand uses specific fonts and colors in everything we put out. Avenir LT 65 Medium and Tungston Semibold for fonts.

      The ability to adjust column widths and row heights.

      The ability to copy and paste (or drag) slides into a new playlist.

      Being able to manipulate the size of the grids in the different lay out formats. Essentially, more maneuverability and customization.

      Auto-save would be a big help, too.

    • #6472
      Wouter de Hoog

      What i am missing in the enterprise edition is the function to schedule playlists instead of slides.

      So you have a default playlist in the schedule what is playing when there isnt a other playlist scheduled.

      For instance:

      All day playlist default is played.
      At 24-03-2017 playlist 24th of march between 13:00 and 23:00
      At 25-03-2017 playlist 25th of match between 9:00 and 21:00
      Outside these hours playlist default is played

      A schedule on the slides isnt very usefull for me.


    • #6480

      Ok noted. Thanks for your feedback !

    • #6529

      – App for android with fullscreen ( paring screen with device It was excellent )
      Limit quota files ( upload ) for client/customer ;
      duble click to edit elements in slide;
      – in button add new Media, efect lighbox or drag and drop elements

      new media :
      Slider Revolution ( integrate )
      – plugins wordpress and shortcode

      – Dashboard devices in Device Limit – TEXT / NUMBER remove select box
      – Scheduling as said Wouter de Hoog
      – Alert customer ( if he wants, select box ) send e-mail if device torn off or internet connection broken .

      I leave my contribution 🙂

      Very good job

      king regards

    • #6530

      Ok, thank you, was noted.

      Android app comes already in April. “Revolution Slider” and “Events Calendar” support is already in the pipeline.

      What do you mean by “plugins wordpress and shortcode”?

    • #9990

      local media support. I have a problem where the internet connection is very slow and youtube vidoes often buffer – would like to store videos on the android tv box and then source them locally instead of going out to the internet.

      • #10152

        How should “local media support” work if you are offline or have internet/connections problems and WordPress can not access your HDD? That contradicts itself. This is not possible.

      • #10236

        For local media – the app/webpages – would need to point to the local files instead of looking for them at the server. I’m testing a Raspberry Pi system now with – https://www.pisignage.com due to this and its thus far working good as any non-streaming files are download to the pi and then loaded from the pi. anything that streams will still not work without an internet connection.

    • #10131
      Kais lat

      It would be useful to preview on one slide, not all the entire slides

    • #10639
      Nat O’Brien


      First, it’s a very nice solution, but to make it unbeleivebly good would be facility to add advertising clients with the ability to tag slides against the advertiser, along with the ability to record how many times a slide was played or times shown (so the advertiser could be billed) :). Can you see where I’m going yet?.

      Anyway, enough from me, keep up the good work.

      Nat 🙂

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      Tom Alter

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    • #41741

      – Publication reports with timestamps (logs) for publishing auditorship.
      – local user admin dashboard, with sub panels, per venue

    • #44824
      Geoffrey Timmerman

      -> Add Preview per slide (now only full preview is possible)
      -> Horizontal news scroller linke NBC/FOX connected to a RSS feed
      -> User roles for assign access to a user (editing certain playlists/devices, ability to delete or not, …)
      -> Reporting functionality on scheduled broadcasts when a playlist or video has played or not and on which devices or if a player went offline (availability %)
      -> Add WordPress widgets for showing recent comments/posts connected to certain categories (good if you want to show company press releases for instance)
      -> Add a Yammer widget (similar to the facebook widget)
      -> Ability to use/insert WordPress native widgets

    • #47581
      Ian Walsh

      Slideshow: drag and drop like playlists or at least arrows up and down to change slide numbering. Also possibility to delete from list individually.

    • #3576095
      Luca Vergine

      Export slides as jpg/png/pdf

    • #3582232
      Rushd Bitar

      Our customers usually ask for a ticker (marque)

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