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    • #4569562

      When will wordpress 5.7.x be supported, have wordpress that autoupdated to 5.7.2 and now it doesn’t work anymore…


    • #4569791

      Same thing here with wordpress version 5.8. New Reproduction list keeps loading. It seems to be a jquery version error:

      Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3
          at bootstrap.3.3.6.min.js:6:216
          at bootstrap.3.3.6.min.js:6:318
      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'scrollTop')
          at constructor.getScrollTop (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:118172)
          at members.constructor.queryScroll (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:156980)
          at members.constructor.displayEvents (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:110785)
          at renderEvents (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:128351)
          at reportEvents (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:128770)
          at eval (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:140571)
          at _fetchEventSource (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:141122)
          at fetchEventSource (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:140129)
          at fetchEvents (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:140049)
          at fetchAndRenderEvents (eval at <anonymous> (fullcalendar.js:1:1), <anonymous>:1:128677)
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